All You Can Do With: Body

W3 Org on Body
Not showing in this AYCD page.
  1. JavaScript
    • onload
    • onunload
    • onfocus
    • onblur

<TITLE>All You Can Do with Body basic</TITLE>
<LINK REL=stylesheet HREF="../AYCDStyle.css" TYPE="text/css">
<BASE HREF="O:\Web Development\CSSLibrary\">
<H2>All You Can Do With: <EM>Body Basic</em></h2>
<Fieldset><Legend>Body Basic</legend>
<Form>Form: <Label For="TXTAREA1">Basic Labeled TextArea:<TEXtarea ID="TXTAREA1" Name="TextArea1"Rows="5" Cols="40">Just a plain Vanilla way to do a label on a text area.</textarea></label><BR>
<Label For="Input1">Basic Labeled INPUT:<INPUT ID="Input1" Name="TextArea1" Value="Plain Input"></label><BR>
<Label For="Select1">Basic Labeled Select:<Select ID="Select1" Name="Selector1">
<LABel For="CB1">Checkbox 1 Label Default Checked (Baseball)<INPUT Type="Checkbox" Name="Baseball" ID="CB1" Value="Checkbox 1" CHECKED></label><BR>
<LABel For="CB2">Checkbox 2 Label (Basketball)<INPUT Type="Checkbox" Name="Basketball" ID="CB2" Value="Checkbox 2"></label><BR>
<LABel For="CB3">Checkbox 3 Label (Football)<INPUT Type="Checkbox" Name="Football" ID="CB3" Value="Checkbox 3"></label><BR>
<P>Paragraph tag with no properties and with a closing paragraph tag.</p>
<TABLE border="1" summary="This table charts the number of cups of coffee consumed by each senator, the type of coffee (decaf or regular), and whether taken with sugar.">
<CAPTION>Cups of coffee consumed by each senator</CAPTION>
<TH>Type of Coffee</TH>
<TD>T. Sexton</TD>
<TD>J. Dinnen</TD>

<Body BGcolor="lightyellow">

<Body background="images/box_aluminum.gif">

<Body TEXT="#FFFFFF" LINK="#FFFF00" VLINK="#33FF33" ALINK="#FF0000" >

Background Properties
<Body background="images/box_aluminum.gif" BGPROPERTIES="FIXED">


Note: TOPMARGIN and LEFTMARGIN establish margins in MSIE. MARGINHEIGHT and MARGINWIDTH establish margins in Netscape.



With a smaller window

Small window and "No"

<Body SCROLL="YES" >
<Body SCROLL="No" >

<Body Readonly >

<Body Disabled >

This is the CSS for Body.


Note: This will work when the iframe has a style="background: url('images/box_aqua_bg.gif');" but not when iframe hase the same style like: style="background-color: Transparent;". So, tranparancy does not flow through both.

<Body style="background-color: Transparent;">

Did this by adding a background image to the enclosing div tag.

Image Repeat-X
<Select style="background: url('images/box_aqua_bg.gif'); background-repeat: repeat-x;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Image Repeat-Y
<Select style="background: url('images/box_aqua_bg.gif'); background-repeat: repeat-y;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Image no-repeat
<Select style="background: url('images/box_aqua_bg.gif'); background-repeat: no-repeat;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Image Repeat
<Select style="background: url('images/box_aqua_bg.gif'); background-repeat: repeat;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Image Attachment Scroll
<Select style="background: url('images/box_aqua_bg.gif'); background-attachment: scroll;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Image Attachment Fixed
<Select style="background: url('images/box_aqua_bg.gif'); background-attachment: fixed;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Border Border Color
<Select style="background: url('images/box_aqua_bg.gif'); border-color: lightgreen;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

These work too:

Border width
<Select style="border-width: 4px;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

These work too:

Border style
<Select style="border-style: dotted;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

These work too:

Color Color: Text forground

<Select style="color: red;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Cursor Cursor

<Select style="Cursor: crosshair;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Direction Direction

<Select style="direction: rtl;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Display Display
CSS Display is being evealuated for implementation on this page.
Float Float- right
Example Static test that just runs on and on and repeats it-self until it can display the intended example.Example Static test that just runs on and on and repeats it-self until it can display the intended example.Example Static test that just runs on and on and repeats it-self until it can display the intended example.Example Static test that just runs on and on and repeats it-self until it can display the intended example.Example Static test that just runs on and on and repeats it-self until it can display the intended example.Example Static test that just runs on and on and repeats it-self until it can display the intended example.Example Static test that just runs on and on and repeats it-self until it can display the intended example.
<Select style="float: right;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
</Select> Example Static test that just runs on and on and repeats it-self until it can display the intended example.
Float- left
Example Static test that just runs on and on and repeats it-self until it can display the intended example. Example Static test that just runs on and on and repeats it-self until it can display the intended example. Example Static test that just runs on and on and repeats it-self until it can display the intended example.
<Select style="float: left;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
</Select>Example Static test that just runs on and on and repeats it-self until it can display the intended example.
Float- none
Example Static test that just runs on and on and repeats it-self until it can display the intended example. Example Static test that just runs on and on and repeats it-self until it can display the intended example. Example Static test that just runs on and on and repeats it-self until it can display the intended example.
<Select style="float: none;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
</Select>Example Static test that just runs on and on and repeats it-self until it can display the intended example.

Font Font-bold
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font: bold;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font: italic;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font: oblique;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font: small-caps;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font: caption;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font: icon;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font: menu;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font: message-box;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font: small-caption;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font: status-bar;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Font-(size 9pt)
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font: 9pt;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Font-(size 14pt)
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font: 14pt;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options: Number limits are different for every Browser.

Font-(size/hight 10pt/20pt)
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font: 10pt/20pt;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Font-(size/hight 14pt/28pt)
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font: 14pt/28pt;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options: Number limits are different for every Browser.

Font-(famliy Arial)
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font: Arial;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Font-(famliy Helvetica)
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font: Helvetica;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Font-(famliy Times)
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font: Times;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Font-Family Font-Family Times
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font-family: Times;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are some options:

Font-Family Font-Size
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font-size: large;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Font-Stretch Font-Stretch
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font-stretch: ultra-condensed;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Font-Style Font-Style
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font-style: normal;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Font-Variant Font-Variant
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font-variant: small-caps;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Font-Weight Font-Weight
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font-weight: 700;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Font-Height Font-Height
Font Example:
Font Example: <Select style="font-height: 24px;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Letter Spacing Letter-Spacing (Kerning)
Letter Spacing Example:
Letter Spacing Example: <Select style="letter-spacing: 10px;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Line Height Line-Height (leading)
Line Height Example:
Line Height Example: <Select style="line-height: 20px;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Margin Margin
Margin Example:
Margin Example: <Select style="margin-top: 20px;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Overflow overflow
Overflow Example:
Overflow Example: <Select style="overflow: hidden;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Overflow Example:
Overflow Example: <Select style="overflow: visible;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Overflow Example:
Overflow Example: <Select style="overflow: scroll;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Padding padding
Padding Example:
Padding Example: <Select style="padding: 12px;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Position position
Position Example:
Position Example: <Select style="position: relative; top:-50; left:5;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Scrollbar scrollbar
Scrollbar 3D Light Color Example:
Scrollbar 3D Light Color Example: <Select style="scrollbar-3dlight-color:red;" size="5">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Scrollbar Arrow Color Example:
Scrollbar Arrow Color Example: <Select style="scrollbar-arrow-color:blue;" size="5">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Scrollbar Base Color Example:
Scrollbar Base Color Example: <Select style="scrollbar-base-color:blue;" size="5">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Scrollbar darkshadow Color Example:
Scrollbar darkshadow Color Example: <Select style="scrollbar-darkshadow-color:blue;" size="5">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Scrollbar Face Color Example:
Scrollbar Face Color Example: <Select style="scrollbar-face-color:blue;" size="5">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Scrollbar Highlight Color Example:
Scrollbar Highlight Color Example: <Select style="scrollbar-highlight-color:blue;" size="5">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Scrollbar Shadow Color Example:
Scrollbar Shadow Color Example: <Select style="scrollbar-shadow-color:blue;" size="5">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Scrollbar Track Color Example:
Scrollbar Track Color Example: <Select style="scrollbar-track-color:blue;" size="5">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Text Align text align
Text Align Example:
Text Align Example: <Select style="text-align: right;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Text Align Example:
Text Align Example: <Select style="text-align: center;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Text Align Example:
Text Align Example: <Select style="text-align: justify;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Text Decoration text decoration
Text Decoration Example:
Text Decoration Example: <Select style="text-decoration: line-through;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Text Decoration Example:
Text Decoration Example: <Select style="text-decoration: underline;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Text Decoration Example:
Text Decoration Example: <Select style="text-decoration: blink;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Text Indent text indent
Text Indent Example:
Text Indent Example: <Select style="text-indent: 100px;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Text Justify text justify
Text Justify Example:
Text Justify Example: <Select style="text-justify: newspaper;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Text Shadow text shadow
Text Shadow Example:
Text Shadow Example: <Select style="text-shadow: blue;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Text Transform text transform
Text Transform Example:
Text Transform Example: <Select style="text-transform: uppercase;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Text Underline Position text underline position
Text Underline Position Example:
Text Underline Position Example: <Select style="text-underline-position: above;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Vertical Align vertical align
Vertical Align Example:
Vertical Align Example: <Select style="vertical-align: top;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Vertical Align Example:
Vertical Align: <Select style="vertical-align: middle;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Vertical Align Example:
Vertical Align Example: <Select style="vertical-align: bottom;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Visibility visibility
Visibility Example:
Visibility Example: <Select style="visibility: hidden;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

White Space white space
White Space Example:
White Space Example: <Select style="white-space: nowrap;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Word Spacing word spacing
Word Spacing Example:
Word Spacing Example: <Select style="word-spacing: -5px;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Word Wrap word wrap
Word Wrap Example:
Word Wrap Example: <Select style="word-wrap: break-word;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon
Word Wrap Example:
Word Wrap Example: <Select style="word-wrap: normal;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options:

Zoom zoom
Zoom Example:
Zoom Example: <Select style="zoom: 50%;">
<Option Selected>Lime
<Option>Navel Orange
<Option>Meyers Lemon

Here are the options: